Vehicle Options Tab Screen

Use this screen to view, add, modify, or delete vehicle options. The vehicle options that appear in this screen are based on the decoded VIN or the selected standard vehicle.

Description of fields in the Select Option pane

Field Label Description
(option group panel) Option categories that appear in this panel are based on the decoded VIN or the selected standard vehicle. Select a category to view the option selections
(option selection panel) The standard options from the decoded VIN are already selected. Select additional options in this panel. Selections made in this panel affect the filtered parts list in the MOTOR database.
Option Select an available option in this panel. Your selections display in the Currently Selected Options pane. De-selecting an option in this pane removes it from the pane.
Type Valid values are blank, Standard or Package. this field cannot be edited.
Non-OEM Right-click the option to select Non-OEM. The Non-OEM Option screen opens. Enter the brand and model information, and then click OK.
(currently selected options panel) The list of selected options is displayed in this panel.
Reset Options Select this option to revert back to the original options of the selected vehicle.


Workfile - Vehicle Options Tab

See Also

Selecting Vehicle Options

Selecting Non-OEM Vehicle Options

Resetting Manual Vehicle Options







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